
Rainmeter cpu temperature monitor
Rainmeter cpu temperature monitor

The end-user of a skin will need to do some setup work with HWiNFO before using the skin. A distinct HWiNFO plugin for Rainmeter is no longer required. This allows you to output the current values of one or more sensors to the Windows Registry, where it can be easily accessed using the Registry measure in Rainmeter. The approach consists of tweaking a feature of HWiNFO that was implemented years ago to support using the software with the now long-dead Windows Sidebar gadgets. Martin Malik, the author of HWiNFO, has graciously worked with us to find a solution that will allow the software to be used for personal, non-commercial use in Rainmeter without having to purchase a license, while keeping his ability to monetize his application when used by commercial entities. This would make distributing Rainmeter skins to end-users problematic at best. As of version 7.0 of the HWiNFO hardware sensor monitoring tool, the software has changed to require purchasing a yearly "Pro" license in order to use the Shared Memory feature of the software that allowed it to interact with the HWiNFO plugin for Rainmeter.

Rainmeter cpu temperature monitor